Elizabethtown Kentucky Recognized by Southern Business and Development Magazine in the Ten Outstanding Markets Driving Large MSA Economies
Excerpt from article in Southern Business and Development Magazine–Winter 2015 ( http://sb-d.com/Features/TenoutstandingmarketsdrivinglargeMSA/tabid/698/Default.aspx)
Ten outstanding markets driving large MSA economies
Economic growth is dependent on a number of factors. Infrastructure, workforce, quality of life and cost of doing business can drive companies to, or from, a geographic area. Sometimes, too, a particular location can be an economic hotspot that literally leads the way for a metro area to develop. These are ten of the best when it comes to impacting the growth of an entire metropolitan area.
Elizabethtown, KY
Even as thousands of jobs were disappearing around the country during the recession, the economy of Elizabethtown remained strong. In 2010, the Elizabethtown metro area was the fastest growing in the country, with an economy that grew 14 percent.
With two-thirds of the country’s population within a one-day truck drive, the announcement of the shovel-ready Glendale Megasite opens the door for Elizabethtown to have even greater impact. This 1,551-acre site has direct access to I-65, as well as railroad via CSX, and proximity to one of the world’s premier distribution and logistics centers – the UPS World Port in Louisville.
A pro-business climate, coupled with low cost of living and a large local workforce, should keep Elizabethtown growing.