Message from EHCIF President–Rick Games
The greater Elizabethtown area is prospering very well. Manufacturing facilities are all very busy and many of them are continuing to hire. The preliminary unemployment rate for Hardin County for the month of August is 4.6%. We have not seen that number in a very long time.
Additionally, there are several retail/service oriented establishments opening soon in the area. North Dixie Avenue is the recipient of several automotive dealerships receiving a make-over by building a new facility as a replacement or updating an older building. We even have one new dealership.
Downtown Elizabethtown is seeing a surge in service establishments and a few new retail shops. Hardin Memorial Hospital has just completed the North Tower addition and has announced plans to construct and remodel their emergency department.
Hardin County Government is almost completely moved into their new facility located off of Ring Road and Hardin County Schools just opened a new elementary school on St. John Road.
The Elizabethtown area has many opportunities to offer her residents and we are continually growing and providing the Quality of Life that is a welcoming environment for any company wishing to locate here.
We are looking forward to a prosperous 4th quarter of 2015.