August Manufacturer of the Month: Structures USA
Elizabethtown and Hardin County are home to many manufacturers that are innovative leaders in their industries as well as vital contributors to our region’s economy. EHCIF’s Manufacturer of the Month is an opportunity to recognize these companies and increase awareness of the manufacturing activity happening every day right here in the Elizabethtown area.
Public works projects across the country depend on the team at Elizabethtown-based Structures USA and VSI Sales. Structures USA manufactures overhead sign structures used on interstates as well as highway lighting, traffic signal poles and related products. VSI Sales engineers and markets the products fabricated by Structures USA.
Co-located in a 90,000-square-foot facility at 333 Peterson Drive, the companies started operating in Elizabethtown in 2013 with three employees. Since then, the team has grown to about 50, including welders, machine operators, industrial maintenance techs, estimators, drafters and others. In addition, Structures USA has invested greatly in the state-of-the-art equipment at the Elizabethtown plant.
The manufacturer sees new opportunities and growth ahead, now under the leadership of parent company Nova Pole International Inc., a Canadian owned company also known for quality infrastructure products.
At Elizabethtown-Hardin County Industrial Foundation, we’re proud Structures USA and VSI Sales call Elizabethtown home. We thank them for their contributions to our community and wish them continued success.