Facility Managers Meeting: Social Media & Digital Recruitment

Our thanks to Heartland Communications Consultants (HCC) President and CEO, Kenny Rambo, for presenting at today’s facility managers meeting. HCC is a marketing communications firm with a passion for helping businesses and organizations grow and succeed. With work that balances innovation and creativity to deliver compelling solutions in an ever-evolving media landscape, HCC cultivates relationships founded on trust, respect and a desire to accomplish both short-term and long-term goals.
At today’s meeting, Rambo discussed the advantages and strategies behind digital and social media recruitment. Making real-time engagement possible, social media recruitment allows employers to reach candidates at a faster rate and lower cost, while also increasing brand awareness. Utilizing platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn, employers can also easily engage their audience with a competitive advantage – attracting high-quality candidates whom the organization may never acquire through traditional hiring methods.
Additional topics discussed at today’s meeting surrounded social media demographics and tips for digital recruitment success, including:
- Create a Career Page on your website and update regularly
- Build relationships and source candidates on LinkedIn
- Share your organization’s story on social networks to promote brand awareness
- Involve employees in the recruitment process – go beyond HR to share job opportunities
For more information about digital recruitment and marketing, please contact Kenny Rambo at 270.765.9331, or by email at kenny@teamhcc.com. If interested in attending the next facility managers meeting, contact the Elizabethtown-Hardin County Industrial Foundation at 270-737-0300.